The Digital Pakistan initiative launched in 2018 saw the materialisation of tangible results- Still some challenges to overcome

Article by Zeeshan Bukhari, Co-founder Bit-Affix

Pakistan’s digital transformation journey has been marred by several obstacles hindering its progress and preventing it from keeping pace with its regional counterparts. While the government’s Digital Pakistan initiative was launched in 2018, tangible results have slowly materialised. This article will delve into the critical issues hampering Pakistan’s digital transformation efforts, analyze their impact, and suggest potential solutions to help the nation advance in the digital age.

Political Instability and Its Consequences

One of the primary challenges Pakistan faces in its digital transformation journey is political instability. Over the last few decades, the country has experienced a high degree of political uncertainty, marked by frequent changes in government and government policies. These changes have created an atmosphere of unpredictability that has adverse consequences for businesses and investors.

Digital transformation necessitates long-term planning and sustained investments. However, when policies shift frequently, companies become reluctant to commit to significant technology projects. This continuous political instability has not only stalled the digital transformation process but has also led to a significant brain drain as talented individuals seek more stable opportunities abroad.

To unlock the estimated annual value of $60 billion from digital technologies by 2030, political stability is imperative. Investors and businesses need a consistent and supportive environment to thrive and innovate. Establishing a stable digital policy framework can stimulate economic growth and technological advancement.

Challenges in Education, A Roadblock to Digitalization

A crucial aspect of digital transformation is education. In this regard, Pakistan faces significant challenges, with nearly 23 million children aged 5 to 16 not attending school. This alarming rate places Pakistan among the countries with the highest numbers of out-of-school children globally. The problem is further exacerbated in rural Pakistan, where numerous barriers to accessing education exist, including staff shortages, inadequate transport, and safety concerns.

In the digital age, nations aspiring to elevate educational standards and prepare their students for the future must embrace digitalization. Digitalization in education refers to the integration of technology into the teaching and learning process, enhancing education quality and preparing students for a rapidly changing world.

Digital education has the potential to address the numerous challenges within Pakistan’s education system. For instance, the high dropout rate, particularly among girls, is driven by socio-economic factors like poverty and cultural norms. Digitalized education can offer a solution by enabling students to continue their education remotely, reducing dropout rates and enhancing access to education.

Moreover, digital education can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of teaching and learning by facilitating personalized approaches to education. Online platforms and software enable teachers to cater to the individual needs of students, thereby promoting better learning outcomes.

Although provincial governments and the Higher Education Commission have initiated several programs, substantial efforts are still needed to make these resources accessible in rural areas of Pakistan.

Our Infrastructure, The Digital Backbone

A robust digital infrastructure is the backbone of any digital transformation initiative. Pakistan currently lags behind regional counterparts when it comes to digital infrastructure and mobile connectivity. The country ranks 90th out of 120 countries on the Inclusive Internet Index and 110th out of 140 countries on the Global Competitiveness Index.

One of the most significant challenges facing Pakistan’s digital economy is inadequate digital infrastructure. Limited fiber optic coverage is a primary cause of slow and limited internet access. Approximately 49% of the population has internet access, but almost half of the market still relies on 2G. This shortfall in digital infrastructure hinders Pakistan’s ability to fully exploit the potential of digital technology.

Digital disparities are particularly noticeable across rural-urban divides and among different socio-economic groups within cities. Remote regions and rural areas face limited access to fixed broadband services, while access varies within cities depending on the socio-economic profile of the area. Pakistan has only a 1% penetration rate of fiber optic, significantly lower than regional peers like Vietnam (44.5%) and Malaysia (32.1%).

The absence of genuine market competition, with the PTCL holding over 70% of the market share, higher licensing fees, taxes, and right-of-way challenges, hampers the local development of fiber optic infrastructure. These issues serve as major disincentives for operators to expand their capacity.

Implications of Slow Progress

One of the most significant consequences of Pakistan’s slow progress in digital transformation is stagnation in economic growth. In a global economy increasingly reliant on digital technologies, countries that fail to keep pace are at risk of falling behind. The lack of digital integration hinders productivity and efficiency, impacting various industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, and services.


The digital revolution is reshaping the global economy at an accelerated pace. To fully harness the potential of digitalization, Pakistan must address the barriers hindering its digital transformation. These barriers encompass political instability, educational challenges, and inadequate digital infrastructure.

To unlock the full potential of digital transformation, Pakistan needs political stability to encourage long-term investments and innovation. Education must be digitalized to ensure equitable access and quality, breaking down socio-economic barriers. A robust digital infrastructure is essential to enable Pakistan to compete globally.

Pakistan’s progress in digital transformation not only offers the promise of millions of new jobs and upward social mobility but also the potential for innovative business models and significant productivity gains. It can help the nation leverage its talent and generate export revenues necessary for sustainable economic development and stability. The government’s commitment, collaboration with regional stakeholders, and concerted efforts to address socio-economic barriers are crucial for Pakistan to thrive in the digital age. Embracing these transformations will play a pivotal role in advancing the nation’s development goals.

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