Six Centres of Hunar foundation work in Pakistan

Mr Abbas AkberAli, founder of The Hunar Foundation said that currently six centres of Hunar foundation have been working throughout Pakistan with the aim of increasing it to 30 centres in 3 to 5 years. Our people lack skills despite having higher degrees which prevents them from working here and abroad. Along with doctors, engineers and accountants, the world is also looking for good plumbers, painters and technicians in large numbers. Abbas AkberAli presented these views on Yesterday’s in an event.

Mr.Abbas AkberAli spoke passionately about the concept, need and impact of the foundation and informed the audience on how Hunar is striving to bring families out of poverty.

Leader of the business community Mr. S.M. Muneer said that a person with skills will never die hungry.

Mrs Salsabil Akberali briefed the group on “Friends of the Hunar Foundation” activities in Karachi.

The Council General of Pakistan Imran Siddiqui and Others also shared views of the evening and the highly engaged audience greatly appreciated the efforts of the Foundation and impromptu pledges of students sponsorships.

Caption Photographs: Mr.Abbas AkberAli Founders Hunar foundation, Mr.S.M.Muneer,Mr.Mehboob Shaikh,Mr.Navaid Bukhari,Mr.Imran Siddiqui, Mr.Anjum Nisar and Mr.Saeeduddin seen in the picture.


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