FPCCI appreciates services of IG of Sind Police

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Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry would like to place on record the relentless services rendered by Allah Dino Khawaja Inspector General of Police Sind in improving law and order situation in Sind specially in collaboration with Rangers. His actions against the corrupt police officers, since he was posted as Inspector General of Police Sind in March 2016 were hailed by all concerned. He started crackdown against corrupt police officers and he was highly credited for making appointments on merit. Mr. Hanif Gohar Vice President FPCCI lauded his efforts in controlling bhatta mafia and anti social elements that resulted in building confidence of business community who took a sigh of relief and appreciated the business friendly environment created by the officer due to his untiring and result oriented efforts. One of the special measures he took was to introduce increased patrolling in industrial areas. Mr. Gohar deplored the attitude of vested interests to malign an upright and dedicated officer in false propaganda. A most respectable and honest officer of Sind Police that earned him to be member of three member commission appointed by Supreme Court to probe corruption of ex IG Sind.

Allah Dino Khawaja always appreciated valor displayed by citizens in combating criminals, dacoits and target killers and awarded prize of Rs 50000 to a citizen killing a dacoit. An only IG of Sind Police who openly acknowledged his failure in changing Thana culture and is hopeful to bring desired change. FPCCI shall keep extending help and support to all the good and endeavors that he undertakes to bring positive change in Karachi.


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