Metro steps up for a clean & green Pakistan

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METRO Pakistan organized inauguration ceremony of its Solar Power Solution at its Capital Store in Islamabad as part of its pledge to reduce Co2 emissions and as a step towards its Clean & Green Pakistan initiative.

The Ambassador of Germany in Pakistan, H.E. Bernhard Schlagheck and the Federal Minister / Advisor to PM on Climate Change Mr. Malik Amin Aslam Khan joined the ceremony as the chief guest and guest of honour respectively.

With the current climate change it has become even more important to ensure sustainable use of resources and METRO Pakistan being a socially responsible organization realizes the importance of environment for the wellbeing of all and would like to contribute towards Sustainable Development Goals specifically SDG 7 i.e. Affordable and Clean Energy by reducing energy burden on the country one step at a time.

The event commenced with a speech by Mr. Marek Minkiewicz, Managing Director METRO Pakistan, in which he shared that, as part of METRO Pakistan’s “Clean and Green Pakistan”, METRO has partnered with Shams Power to deploy solar power solutions at all METRO stores across Pakistan. The capital store is the 4th store that has successfully implemented Solar Power Solution whereas deployment at 2 more stores i.e. Airport Store and Model Town Extension, are in progress and expected to be completed in Fiscal Year 2019.

At Capital Store alone 1,100 solar panels have been installed that will generate 260kW and 440,000 units of clean energy per year which will in turn reduce 260,000kg carbon emissions per year which is equaling to planting 8000 tress grown for 10 years. At the same time the energy spared by this initiative can power 250 households for an entire year.

The honorable Ambassador of Germany, H.E. Bernhard Schlagheck, also valued the initiatives taken by METRO Pakistan concerning environment, health education and equality; while Mr. Malik Amin Aslam Khan, Federal Minister/Advisor to PM on Climate Change, appreciated METRO’s efforts towards reduction in CO2 through Solar Power Solutions and also showed his support for any other future projects with respect to energy.


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