Cumulative water storage in major reservoirs – Tarbela, Mangla, and Chashma – has been recorded at 11.506 million acre-feet (MAF) today, 2% higher than the five-year average of 11.267 MAF.
Tarbela Reservoir filled to its maximum conservation level of 1,550 feet on August 19, 2024, a level maintained until today. Likewise, the water level in Chashma Reservoir also stands at 648.50 feet, close to its maximum conservation level of 649 feet. Meanwhile, Mangla Reservoir is filled to1,217.90 feet today, slightly above the five-year average of 1,217.45 feet, with a storage of 5.455 MAF, slightly more than the five-year average of 5.423 MAF. This situation at Mangla mirrors the Jhelum River inflows for the season.
Mangla Reservoir level is expected to improve further due to reduced irrigation demand, driven by forecast of rainfall in the country’s southern regions and improved flows in the Indus and Kabul rivers.
If the current trends of inflows in the Jhelum River and releases from the Reservoir continue through September 10, Mangla is likely to attain the level of 1,222 feet. Depending on the hydrological response of the Chenab River and rainfall in the Mangla Dam catchment area, further improvement is possible.