WAPDA presented a cash award of Rs. 5 million to its athlete, Arshad Nadeem, for his historic performance in the Paris Olympics 2024. Chairman WAPDA Engr Lt Gen Sajjad Ghani (Retd), who is also Patron-in-Chief of WAPDA Sports Board, presented the cash award to Arshad Nadeem in a ceremony arranged by WAPDA Sports Board in his honour at WAPDA Auditorium, WAPDA House today. Cash awards were also given to WAPDA’s Nooh Dastagir for winning a gold medal for Pakistan in the Strongman Games 2024 held in Uzbekistan and Sybil Sohail, Veronika Sohail and Twinkle Sohail for winning gold medals in the Classic Powerlifting Championship 2024 held at South Africa.
A large number of renowned WAPDA sportspersons, including Members (Finance), Members (Water), Members (Power), the Secretary of WAPDA/GM (Admin), and the President of the WAPDA Sports Board, attended the ceremony.
Congratulating him on winning the first-ever Olympic gold medal in athletics for Pakistan, the Chairman said that Arshad Nadeem has made the nation proud. Nations and their sports rise and fall together, which is why WAPDA has significantly promoted sports in Pakistan for over half a century. Representing Pakistan in international events, WAPDA sportspersons have been bringing laurels to the country. They won 44 gold medals, 15 silver medals and 22 bronze medals in individual and team events at various international championships, which included the Commonwealth Games, Islamic Solidarity Games, Asian Games, etc., during the last two years, the Chairman further said.
Speaking on the occasion, Arshad Nadeem thanked the WAPDA Sports Board for arranging the ceremony. Highlighting the contribution to the well-being of sportspersons, he said that the WAPDA Sports Board has not only helped groom him but also hundreds of other players by providing them employment opportunities and imparting training at its sports facilities across the country.
It is important to note that WAPDA is the largest employer of sportspersons in Pakistan, as about 1900 players and sports officials are associated with various units of the WAPDA Sports Board. WAPDA has 66 teams in all—36 men’s and 30 women’s. Currently, WAPDA is a national champion in 36 and runners-up in 21 games.