Tragedy theatre play “Barsaat” was presented in the Sindhi language

On the fifteenth day of the ongoing Pakistan Theater Festival in Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi, the tragedy theatre play “Barsaat” was presented in the Sindhi language and was written and directed by Ali Roshan Sheikh.

The cast of the play was Amjad Gul Soomro, Ijaz Ali Chandio, Starring Ashiq Ali and Ali Roshan Shaikh, the theatre “Barsaat” was a true story of a blind old man who lives in his house with his old neighbour.

His whole family starts preparing to migrate to a safe place before the rains start and flood; his neighbour visits again and again and urges him to leave the village as soon as possible for fear of rain and floods because all the people in the village have already migrated, but he refuses because he loves the house because it is his ancestral home, one night thieves come to his house.

And they are arguing about his stuff; one of the thieves is a professional, and the other is a recruit as soon as they start stealing things. The blind old man suddenly appears with an axe, and stops the thieves at the door and warns them not to move; the audience received the play for its depiction of sad emotions.

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