Telenor Velocity organizes ‘DuckStories’ event in Karachi

Telenor Velocity’s ‘DuckStories’ organized a meaningful and thought-provoking event at NIC Karachi today. It has brought together acclaimed innovators, industry experts, mentors, Telenor senior management and startups to celebrate and learn from their failures. A larger number of students, young entrepreneurs and other attended it to make it a successful and memorable event.

Speakers included acclaimed serial entrepreneur Faizan Laghari, digital & startup specialist Haseeb Sattar and entrepreneur & MIT graduate Ms Saba Gul.

They interactive with audience in length and replied their all sort of queries.


Telenor Velocity’s ‘DuckStories’ is a series of regular events where accomplished entrepreneurs and professionals share their career mistakes and failures with the audience. They share instances from their lives where they had to ‘duck’, get back on feet and tread again towards their goals. The prime objective of the program is to eradicate the fear of failure and foster experimentation to strengthen the country’s startup landscape.

Speakers at the third episode of ‘DuckStories’ shared their life experiences about how they refused to be dissuaded by their career mistakes and failures in pursuit of success.

DuckStories have a characteristic fun element to them which makes the whole event both amusing and enlightening. This episode was no different where the speakers shared both laughs and sighs as they recollected their lifelong struggles.

While highlighting the importance of learning from failures, Durdana Achakzai, Chief Digital Officer at Telenor Pakistan, said: “Telenor believes in persistence to achieve excellence and that is what we try to impart into the upcoming entrepreneurs training under Telenor Velocity program. We are committed to carrying the Velocity DuckStories further to showcase fascinating stories of struggle, failure and renewed ambitions to bring hope to those who continue to struggle while pursuing their dreams.”

The audience expressed their utmost delight at having an event of this nature to share invaluable learning that comes from experiences. The previous two episodes of the series took place in Lahore in December 2017 and at Telenor Pakistan Headquarter ‘345’, in Islamabad, in January 2018. Both of them were equally lauded by the participants and speakers.

Telenor Velocity is Telenor Pakistan’s digital accelerator program to equip and jumpstart young startups with ready to market ideas.


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