Techaccess Pakistan organized cyber incident management handling workshop

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Techaccess Pakistan this week conducted a Cyber Incident Management Handling Workshop at “The Institute Of Bankers Pakistan” in Karachi, carrying out best practice exercises for the in-depth study of the methods of management, immediate containment and detailed analysis of the acts of recent cyber-attacks, some taken from recorded events. Over thirteen local banks participated in the workshop, much appreciated by the esteemed Participants.

Mr. Syed Aun Abbas Bokhari, CISO at Bank Al Habib, said the seminar was very interesting, as it was addressed to the current issues affecting our security mission and topics were nicely covered, well treated, and professionally clarified. I would recommend more Workshops with advanced levels.

Mr. Ali Imran, CISO Bank Islami, expressed his appreciation and compliments on the organization of the Workshop and about its results. He emphasized the need to extend the educational approach to the analysts engaged in sensitive department such as security operation center and incident response teams to continuously update their knowledge on security procedures, new emerging threats way to detect and appropriate updating of new IT architectures to improve the resilience of the whole IT Platform of sensitive institutes such as the Financial Domain.

We visited several banks with our security portfolio earlier this year and they highlighted the need for incident management frameworks and need for capacity building, said Mr. Tariq Malik, CTO Techaccess. He highlighted the professional interest and passionate participation of the representatives of the Banks. Participants raised interesting observations and demonstrated that their use of tools during the Incident Management trials highlighted a serious professional approach to managing multiple security risks that endanger the financial domain.

Participants recommended sharing the incident management seminar through academic channels in all major Pakistani cities so that younger generations can benefit from it and improve their employment prospects.

Techaccess is a local integrator and a company specializing in security architectures and its implementation. Mr. Tariq Malik, thanked the participants and trainers.


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