Tariq Glass Industries Ltd has informed Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) today that one of the furnaces producing float glass (Unit-I) has outlived its useful campaign life and closed for rebuild / major repair on April 18, 2022.
The said furnace will be fired again after the rebuild / major repair within five to six months, ln shaa Allah.
In another bourse filling, Mohsin Ali Company Secretary of the Company, has stated that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held at 11:00 AM on Tuesday the, April 26, 2022, at the registered office at 128-J Block, Model Town, Lahore to consider the 3 Quarterly Financial Statements for the period ended March 31, 2022, of the Company.
The Company has declared the closed period from April 19, 2022, to April 26, 2022 (till dissemination of financial results to the Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited) as required under Clause 5.6.4 of PSX Regulations; accordingly, no Director, Managing Director / CEO or Executive shall, directly / indirectly, deal in the shares of the Company in any manner during the Closed Period.
Today’s shares are traded in both ways. It reached to high of Rs 139.60 and a low of Rs 130.