President KATI urges the inclusion of the agriculture sector in the budget tax net.

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  • Post category:Agriculture
  • Reading time:1 mins read

President KATI called for the agricultural sector to be included in the tax net in the upcoming budget. He highlighted that despite constituting 30 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the agricultural sector enjoys complete tax exemption. In contrast, the industrial sector, with a 20 percent GDP share, bears a significant tax burden.

Qandhari emphasized the disparity, noting that while industrialists face various taxes, including duties, regulatory fees, and sales taxes, the agricultural sector remains largely untaxed, benefiting landlords and middlemen at the expense of the economy.

The president of KATI stressed the need for equitable taxation policies, advocating for tax exemptions and incentives for farmers and cultivators while imposing taxes on landlords and middlemen to bolster economic stability. He highlighted the potential positive impact on income levels and debt relief for farmers.

Furthermore, Qandhari underscored the pivotal role of the industrial sector in driving economic growth, generating employment, and bolstering foreign exchange through exports. He urged the government to prioritize both the agricultural and industrial sectors, offering special incentives to the private sector to attract foreign investment and stimulate economic activity.

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