Power generation went up by 7.1% YoY to 14,032 GWh (19,489 MW) during Sep’21, compared to 13,104 GWh (18,200 MW) during Sep’20. The rise in generation is witnessed due to higher generation of Nuclear, Wind, FO, Bagasse, Coal and Hydel.
Major contributors during Sep’21 were Hydel (Share: 36%), RLNG (Share: 19%), Coal (Share: 17%), Nuclear (Share: 9%), Gas (Share: 9%), FO (Share: 7%), Wind (Share: 2%), and Solar (Share: 0.4%).
During the month, Nuclear, Wind, FO, Bagasse, Coal and Hydel based power generation up by 89% YoY, 32% YoY, 31% YoY, 28% YoY, 5% YoY and 4% YoY, respectively. However, solar, RLNG, Gas, and HSD based generation was down by 2% YoY, 5% YoY, 6% YoY and 97% YoY respectively.
During Sep’21, fuel cost for power generation increased by 65% YoY to PKR 6.80/KWh mainly due to rise in RLNG, coal, FO, Gas and HSD based cost of generation. However hydel and Wind based generation were higher compared to same month last year.
Fuel Cost up by 65% YoY during Sep’21
The rise in fuel cost by 65% YoY to PKR 6.80/KWh during Sep’21 was led by the following reasons:
- RLNG-based cost of generation increased by 120% YoY to PKR 14.9/KWh due to 125% YoY rise in RLNG prices to PKR 2,586/mmbtu.
- Coal-based cost of generation was also up by 67% YoY to PKR 10.1/KWh during Sep’21 due to 182% YoY rise in coal prices.
- FO-based cost of generation increased by 54% YoY to PKR 19.2/KWh.
- Gas-based cost of generation was also up by 23% YoY to PKR 8.3/KWh.
Courtesy – AHL Research