- Power generation increased by 7.2% YoY to 10,262 GWh (13,793 MW) during October ’24, compared to 9,572 GWh (12,865MW) during SPLY. Moreover, on a Month-on-Month basis, power generation witnessed a dip of 17.8%.
- During 4MFY25, power generation fell by 5.4% YoY to 50,808 GWh (17,211 MW) compared to 53,709 GWh (18,194 MW) in the SPLY.
- For the first time in 13 months, the actual generation exceeded the reference generation by 0.7% in October ’24. Compared to the reference, this surplus is expected to impact the QTA for March ’25 to May’25 positively.
- Hydel generation increased by 2.3% YoY arriving at 3,187 GWh as compared to 3,114 GWh.
- Nuclear-based power generation declined by 21.0%. However, this decline was already incorporated in the reference generation set at the beginning of FY25.
- On the other hand, power generation from imported coal rose by 2.7x YoY to compensate for lower generation from nuclear plants. Power generation from local sources also increased by 13.8% YoY to 1,518 GWh.
- Moreover, solar also saw a major uptick, as the generation rose from 76GWh to 99GWh (+ 30.3%).
Courtesy – AHL Research