Pakistan Vision 2025 and the China Pakistan Economic Corridor are driving investment in Future Cities to deliver economic growth and enhance urban livability, the new country manager for Future Cities enabler SAP announced today. With the United Nations projecting over half of Pakistan set to live in cities by 2025, the China Pakistan Economic Corridor partnership is investing millions of rupees in Future City projects in Islamabad, along with Gwadar, and Quetta, and supporting Pakistan Vision 2025 digital transformation goals.
Using innovations such as 3D printing, block chain, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, Pakistan is transforming key industry verticals such as government, healthcare, logistics, and transportation. Smart utilities and the smart grid, the smart supply chain, and public safety all present major opportunities.
“Pakistan’s cities face complex challenges that require innovative thinking and vision to reinvent how the country tackles economic, social, and environmental issues. Urban leaders in Pakistan are at the forefront of using citywide digital transformation to deliver better public services, good governance, safer cities, and economic prosperity,” said Saquib Ahmad, County Manager, for SAP Pakistan.
Supporting Pakistan’s Future Cities, SAP is exchanging global best practices from the recently-launched SAP Leonardo digital innovation system, the Future Cities program that co-innovates with over 4,500 local governments worldwide, and the SAP Training and Development Institute that upskills youth.
With more than 16 years of IT experience in the region, Saquib Ahmad is committed to supporting new digital business models in Pakistan and driving Digital Economy growth.
“Pakistan is a strategic growth market for SAP, and we are exchanging global best practices in using real-time technology to deliver clean, safe, and competitive cities. Saquib Ahmad has the experience, leadership, and disruptor vision to drive public-private partnerships that support Pakistan