PAJCCI lauded issuance of long pending SRO on Cross stuffing for Afghan trade

On the persistent follow up by PAJCCI and recent meeting of Zubair Motiwala; Chairman PAJCCI with Naveed Qamar; Minister of Commerce, Government of Pakistan has now issued the SRO on Cross-stuffing of containers for Afghan transit trade covering both forward and reverse cargo.

Cross stuffing will be allowed at Karachi & Gwadar seaports in especially designated areas and off dock terminals. The SRO also provides for the transfer of non-containerized cargo in open trucks at land border station/crossing for reverse transit cargo.

Detailed process has been provided by Ministry of Commerce for each stage covering all steps for the ease of traders and bonded carriers. The whole process will be technologically facilitated using Customs Computerized System (CCS) from the GD filing to cargo reaching the destination eliminating manual intervention and susceptibility of any violation.

PAJCCI has been following up this matter since last one year with various government functionaries and ministry. With cross stuffing the cost of detention & demurrage will be reduced, the cargo movement will increase, delays will be curtailed, where required open trucks can be used for land trade and designated space/off dock terminals will provide essential safety of the cargo. This process will greatly reduce cost of business and hardships faced by business community as well as dent the unfair charges by shipping lines imposed in the name of container security charges.

Motiwala on behalf of business community thanked the Minister of Commerce, honorable Naveed Qamar and appreciated his quick response in resolving long standing issue. He hoped that Government of Pakistan will continue to support business community to generate high revenue by removing trade barriers.

PAJCCI remains committed to raising the business community issues to highest levels in both the governments and provision of technical assistance to governments for trade friendly policy development.



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