Olper’s offers PKR 15 savings on its 1.5 liter pack

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Committed to the provision of nutritional dairy products to Pakistanis, Engro Foods Limited (EFL) now offers PKR 15 savings on Olper’s 1.5 liter value pack. This savings offer is in comparison to the price of Olper’s 1 liter pack and looks to promote the brand and its nutritional goodness amongst millions of Pakistanis, especially children.


Olper’s, Ultra High Temperature (UHT) treated milk, is one of the top selling packaged dairy brands in Pakistan. Sourced from registered small, medium and large dairy farms, the raw milk undergoes 28 stringent tests throughout the supply chain before the UHT process. If at any stage the milk is not conforming to the standards set, it is rejected. 


UHT is the process whereby milk is heated to approximately 145 degree Celsius for two seconds allowing for bacteria elimination with almost negligible loss in the milk’s nutritional value.  It is then packaged in a sterile container having an unrefrigerated shelf life of six to nine months (if left unopened).  


UHT Milks like OLPER’S are the perfect option for Pakistan considering the environmental conditions, lack of cold supply chains and frequent power outages. Olper’s is available in five offerings i.e. Ecolean 250ml, 1000ml, 1500ml, 200ml, and Tetra Brik 250ml. The 1 liter pack is available for PKR 130, while the 1.5 liter pack is available for PKR 180.



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