NBP awarded Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Benchmarks (GDEIB) Awards in Four categories

National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) has been recognized at the Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Benchmarks (GDEIB) Awards 2023. The Bank won a total of four awards in categories of Recruitment; Work-life Integration, Flexibility & Benefits; DEI Learning & Development and Community, Government Relations & Philanthropy. NBP won the “Best Practice” award in the category of Flexibility and Benefits, whereas “Progressive” award in the other three categories.

The recognition reiterates National Bank of Pakistan’s constant commitment towards promoting a culture of work and life balance, learning, and development and of philanthropy, in a country where a diverse and inclusive culture needs to be practiced by all corporate entities.

Speaking about the achievement, Asma Sheikh, SEVP & Group Chief, Human Resource Management Group, NBP said, “At the Bank, we believe in empowering all employees as well as ensuring that they have equal opportunities for growth and development. We are committed to providing avenues for progress to all the workforce, while fostering an inclusive culture’.

The Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Benchmarks (GDEIB) serve as the benchmark for businesses worldwide. The GDEIB assists organizations in formulating strategies and monitoring results when it comes to managing diversity and promoting inclusion. GDEIB Awards are organized by Diversity Hub-HR Metrics with the assistance of respected organizations from all across Pakistan.


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