National Foods empowering women through breast cancer awareness

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National Foods Limited joined hands with Shaukat Khanum Hospital to provide an awareness seminar for their female employees during the Breast Cancer Awareness month. Throughout the world, the month of October is celebrated as the Breast Cancer Awareness month, during which different initiatives provide awareness for the treatable disease.

The seminar has been structured in-line with UN’s Sustainable Development Goal number 3 of Good Health & Well-Being and was graced by Dr. Rabab Zehra, MBBS, along with participation from the female employees of National Foods Limited. The seminar was used to provide a safe space for the audience to learn about the causes, diagnosis and prevention of breast cancer. It was shared that every 1000th woman celebrating her 40th birthday can be inflicted with breast cancer. There were over 2 million new cases in 2018 according to American Institute for Cancer Research.

Speaking at the event, Dr. Rabab said, “It is pleasing to see National Foods ensure that their female employees are healthy and safe. A seminar on sensitive health issues empowers women to take better care of themselves. The welfare and health of our country is linked to the health and welfare of our female population. Each woman present at the seminar will ensure the information is passed on, which will only multiply the information leading to prevention of breast cancer”.

Speaking about the initiative, Mrs. Noreen Hasan—Member Board of Directors, National Foods Limited said, “It is not easy for women to discuss health issues such as Breast Cancer openly. National Foods, realizing this, hosted the seminar to ensure that our female employees are made aware of the different factors regarding breast cancer. It is with such initiatives and thoughtful steps from the Company that we have a high number of female employees. We are proud to be a part of a culture which not only cultivates professional talent but also looks after our physical health”.

The event took place at the National Foods Corporate Office in Karachi.


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