National Conferences celebrates Sufi poet Shah Abdul Latif

The two-day Latif National Conference was held at Mohatta Palace Museum on 6th and 7th April 2019 on the great Sufi poet Shah Abdul Latif. Latif National Conference was organized by Siraj Institute of Sindh Studies (SISS). The purpose of this conference was to redefine the message of Shah Latif’s Poetry to the youth and the urban audience.

Scholars from all over Pakistan were present to discuss and share their research papers regarding the diversity of Shah Latif’s poetry. The speakers present at the event shed light on different aspects of Shah Latif’s life and highlighted the philosophy of his work and how he emphasized on compassion and love.

Dr. Fahmida Hussain – Chairperson, Siraj Institute of Sindh Studies (SISS) a nonpolitical, academic and research institution said “We at SISS have been conducting research on the different aspects of art, culture, heritage, language and literature of Sindh. We have been organizing lectures, seminars and conferences every year. This time around we are humbled to have the opportunity to honor one of the greatest poets from Sindh, Shah Abdul Latif. We have also given life time achievement awards to Ms. Sadiqa Salahuddin in the field of Education and Mr. Imdad Hussaini for his contributions to Literature”

The esteemed speakers emphasized on how it is important to promote a new narrative of Sufism. Dr. Sadia Kamal speaking on Influence of Shah Latif on Khawaja Ghulam Farid said, “I am humbled to be here and have the opportunity to speak about the impact he made on other poets. The audience will take back a lot of his teaching that they can implement in their everyday lives”

The 2-day event included musical nights with famous classical and folk artists performances and a Dance-Drama performed by classical performers based on Shah Latif’s “Sat-Saoormian”. Other renowned speakers who spoke at the event were Noor ul Hudda Shah, Imdad Hussaini, Dr. Fatima Hassan, Dr. Ghazala Rehman, Yousuf Bashir Qureshi (YBQ), Dr. Sahar Imdad, Jami Chandio, Mazhar Jamil, Dr Suleman Shaikh and Mazhar Sidiqui. The mentioned touched upon various topics like Philosophy of Shah Latif, Cultural Ethos of Sindh, Defiance in the Poetry of Shah Latif and Themes of Surs of Shah Latif.


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