METRO Cash & Carry collaborates PSDF, PBTE and SFP for Industrial Training Program 2017

METRO Cash & Carry in collaboration with Star Farm Pakistan organized the Graduation Ceremony of the 1st Industrial Training Program 2017 at local Hotel Lahore to distribute certificates to 50 Trainees issued by Punjab Board of Technical Education Lahore along with stipend cheque on completion of their successful Industrial Training by the honorable chief guest H.E Mr. Martin Kobler (Ambassador of Federal Republic of Germany to Pakistan).

Industrial Training Program 2017 was funded by Punjab Skills Development Fund in collaboration with METRO Cash & Carry and Star Farm. This vocational training program is designed for the Youth of Punjab for provision of training in Meat Handling & Processing and Bakery & Pastry.

The objective of this Program is to support industrial and manufacturing sectors for provision of skilled work force, increase access to jobs, create income earning opportunities and to bridge gap between industry needs and skills of youth.

The conference commenced with the welcome speech by Mr. Pervaiz Akhtar (Director Star Farm Pakistan), where he recognized and appreciated the efforts of PSD Ffor entrusting Star Farm to provide the training and METRO Cash & Carry for facilitating on job training to the participants of ITP, Ambassador Kobler for gracing the occasion, Project Team and wished the trainees best of luck for future.

H.E Mr. Martin Kobler (German Ambassador) also took the stage and appreciated the initiatives taken by Star Farm Pakistan for the capacity building of farmers across the country which holds vocational training very dearly and further emphasized the importance of key role of technical education in the uplift of the economy.

Ms. Huma (Head of Business Development & Partnerships PSDF), talked about the importance of this scheme and appreciated METRO Cash & Carry and Star Farm for their efforts and services in preparing youth in having complete set of skills related to food supply chain and agriculture sector.

The closing remakes were shared by Mr. AsimIsar (Director Finance METRO Cash & Carry Pakistan) in which he thanked H.E Mr. Martin Kobler for honoring the event with his presence and also appreciated the efforts of Government of Punjab and PSDF in making Industrial Training Program 2017 a success story.


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