Malaysia is ready to improve FTAs, CG says

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Consul General of Malaysia Ismail Bin Mohamad Bkri has said that Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with Pakistan can be reviewed to address concerns of Pakistani industrialists and manufacturers. He was talking to a meeting held at Korangi Association of Trade & Industry’s headquarters in Karachi on Thursday. According to statement released by KATI, President Tariq Malik, Vice President of the association Junaid Naqi, Head of KATI’s standing committee on diplomatic affairs Masood Naqi, Umer Rehan and Shahid Javed Qureshi welcomed the consul general at KATI. On this occasion Ismail Bin Mohammad Bkri said that Malaysian buyers consider many products of different industries of Pakistan. He said that Malaysia always welcomed Pakistani Investors and products at home.

Tariq Malik said that Pakistan and Malaysia has a strong relation rooted in common culture and ideas of life and this should be transmit into economic and trade relations. He also conveyed the welcome message by Petron in Chief of KATI to the honorable guest. He told that Pakistan has a great potential in Halal Meat, Processed food, Fruits, Textile, Leather and other products, there is need to explore the opportunity to expend trade relations. Masood Naqi said that currently Pakistani economy is facing huge pressure of engulfing trade deficit, FTA between the both countries largely favor Malaysia, if we work together to improve product lists on asses consequences of the agreements, mutual trade can be increased, and this could be a great relief for Pakistani exports. He also urge to make mutual strategy to use ASEAN as an effective platform for strengthening. Responding to suggestions of KATI’s representatives the Consul General said that Malaysia always ready to facilitate Pakistani investors and business ventures to access the market.

Photo: A souvenir presented to CG Malaysia Ismail Bin Muhammad Bkri by Tariq Malik. At the occasion Junaid Nqi, Masood Naqi, Shahid Javed Siddiqui, Umer Rehan, Zafar Aftab and others are also present.


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