Launch of training program for Korangi Leather Community on “Solid Waste Management & Cleaner Productions”

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Pakistan Tanners Association (SZ) Environmental Society said today that in collaboration with UNIDO-GEF project on “Transforming the Leather Processing Industries towards Low Emissions and Climate Resilient Development Paths” has launched awareness campaign against Solid Waste Management and Cleaner Production in tanneries for sustainable leather industry in Korangi Tannery area. .

This program is specifically designed in order to prevent environmental degradation and following the determined guidelines on proper waste management initiatives. The aim of the campaign is to increase awareness on the risks, issues and challenges associated with waste generated, its disposal and by-products which can be produced further. This diverse session were taken place in 02 big tanneries of Korangi Industrial Area i-e Kings Leather and Hafiz Tannery which highlighted forward thinking from owners and willingness to protect environment.

President PTA (SZ) Environmental Society, Mr. Gulzar Firoz, provided a balanced view of UNIDO’s intervention for Korangi leather sector development by quoting Solid Waste Management program and Carbon footprints and laminated that UNIDO’s learning’s could be applied to the local leather industry.

The Water Expert from PCSIR (Pakistan Council of Scientific & Industrial Research) Dr. Farman and Leather Technologist Mr. Sajjad Bhatti illustrated a number of critical areas including by-Products from waste, legal compliance; water usage, close door tanning, Chemical management, decrease of pollutants in wastewater and correct disposal of hazardous waste. The managers/supervisors attended the session to gain valuable knowledge and insight from experts across the leather process.

Since its inception in May 2019, UNIDO-GEF Project has been a taken as opportunity for local leather industry for promoting cleaner productions and introducing new initiatives like Corporate Carbon Footprints and Sound Waste Management for Korangi Leather Area.

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