KPT offers solutions to avoid heavy detention charges

KPT being the pioneer sea port of Pakistan is always playing vital role in providing the maximum facilities to the business community using Karachi Port. KPT has always been contributing its considerable share whenever any difficult situation is arisen in Pakistan.

Accordingly in the current scenario that the transportation system is severely affected and goods could not be moved to upcountry, KPT has decided to come forward and help out the port users whose consignments have arrived at any of the private container terminals of Karachi Port and could not be transported upcountry due to current flood disaster and are bearing heavy detention charges of shipping lines for not returning empty containers back to them within stipulated time.

In order to face the situation, KPT will now allow Destuffing and accommodate cargo of such CY containers those arrived at Karachi Port or any of its Private Container Terminal on or after 1st August, 2022 and could not be transported due to flood disaster.

The facility of Destuffing would be availed on obtaining of permission from respective Ship Agent and Customs for change of status from CY to CFS container as well the Delivery Order is to be submitted to KPT with CFS status.


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