Khushhali Microfinance Bank new branch in Attock

A new branch was inaugurated by Khushhali Microfinance Bank Monday in Attock, for customer facilitation in the area. This new branch will allow residents of Attock and adjacent areas an easy access to finance for their financial needs. President Khushhali Microfinance Bank, Ghalib Nishtar said: “Ghalib Nishtar, said that opportunity drives us and there is a huge untapped potential in the remote and northern markets.”

“Head of Retail at Khushhali Microfinance Bank, Amina Hassan, mentioned that competition is also one of the driving factors of this growth”.

According to a survey by the State Bank of Pakistan, 77% of the total population in Pakistan lack access to basic financial services like savings accounts and credit. Access to financial services enables people to invest in education, housing, and business opportunities. It also enhances the ability to respond to and recover from shocks like a poor harvest, health crisis, or natural disaster. Financial inclusion is a critical enabler for many of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and closing the access gap can play a role in reducing extreme poverty.

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