KCCI delegation meets Consul General of Thailand

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President KCCI Shamim Ahmed Firpo, led a delegation of Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI), to meet with Consul General of Thailand in Karachi, Suwat Kaew Sook and discuses the forthcoming 14th My Karachi Exhibition in order to seek Thai companies’ participation in the event. Consul General of Thailand in Karachi, Suwat Kaew Sook, President Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI) Shamim Ahmed Firpo, Senior Vice President KCCI Asif Nisar, Vice President KCCI Muhammad Younus Soomro, former President KCCI Muhammad Haroon Agar, Trade Advisor of Thai Consulate Arif Suleman, Consul Thai Kart Meckriengkrai, Chairman, Special Committee for My Karachi Muhammad Idrees and Commercial Officer Thai Mubeen Ansari pose for a group photo after a holding a meeting with Thai CG.


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