KATI to organize first ‘Made in Korangi’ exhibition for international buyers, President Faraz-ur-Rehman

Consul General of Indonesia in Karachi, Dr. June Kuncoro Hadiningrat, has said that Pakistan can gain access to ASEAN countries through trade with Indonesia. In October this year, an international exhibition is being held in Jakarta, in which Pakistani exporters can take full part. Indonesia has the best business schools in the world, but the admission trend of young people from Pakistan is very low. This year, for the first time, more than 1000 students have applied for admission to Indonesian educational institutions. He expressed these views on the occasion of his visit to the Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (KATI). President Faraz-ur-Rehman, Senior Vice President Nighat Awan, Vice President Muslim Mohamedi, Indonesian Councilor Dewanto Priyokusumo, Barkha Salman and others were present in the ceremony.

The Consul General of Indonesia added that the relationship between the two countries has been going on for a long time but the trade activities are very low. Both countries have a common culture. Coal and palm oil are the major imports from Indonesia. There are many opportunities in the blue economy, Indonesia is importing seafood from Canada. Mutually we can make the coastline better and more useful. So far 6 MoUs have been signed with Pakistani. Scholarships are also available for the youth of Karachi. He said that the volume of joint trade is increasing every year which is appreciating.

Earlier KATI President Faraz-ur-Rehman said that the Korangi Industrial Area will soon organize an international exhibition “Made in Korangi” in which the products manufactured in the Korangi Industrial Area will be presented to friendly countries and interested buyers visiting. He said that trade between the two countries increased by 28 percent last year, after which the volume reached 3 billion US dollars. He said that most of the trade benefits are going to Indonesia where Pakistan is importing large quantities of palm oil and coal. President KATI said that there is a need to equalize the trade volume between the two countries. In this regard, KATI’s trade delegation headed by Vice President Muslim Mohammadi will go to Indonesia after Ramadan.

Standing Committee Vice Chairman and Vice President KATI Muslim Mohammadi said that steps need to be taken for the consumption of Pakistani products in Indonesia. There is a market in Indonesia for electrical products and foodstuffs especially seafood from Pakistan. He said that the exchange of trade delegations of both countries is necessary.

Consul General of Indonesia Dewanto Priyokusumo said that Indonesia has the best educational institutions in the world, and Pakistani students can get international standard education from Indonesia. He said that KATI should fully participate in the trade exporters exhibition held in Jakarta.

Photo Caption: KATI President Faraz-ur-Rehman presenting the shield to Indonesian Consul General Dr. June Kuncoro Hadiningrat, Nighat Awan, Muslim Mohamedi, Council Dewanto Priyokusumo, Salman Sabri and Umerson are also present.


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