KATI condoles on demise of IBA Sukker Vice Chancellor

Patron in Chief of Korangi Association of Trade & Industry (KATI) SM Muneer and President Sheikh Umer Rehan expressed condolences over demise of prominent educationist, former bureaucrat, Scholar, Founding Vice Chancellor of Sukkur IBA University, Professor Nisar Ahmed Siddiqui.

SM Muneer said that Mr. Siddiqui was one of the most prominent educationist of our country and he contributed to built great institutions like IBA. He said that his departure is the great for the nation.

Shiekh Umer Reah said that Mr. Nisar Siddqui played a vital role to uplift the education and professionalism in the country and particulary his services for Sindh , as academician and former civil servant would never be forgotten. he also appealed the nation to pray for the departed soul.


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