International students visit Pakistan High Commission under – The Model Asem Singapore Spin-Off 2017 Programme

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A group of international students visited the Pakistan High Commission for Singapore under the Model ASEM Singapore Spinoff 2017. Mr. Nasrullah Khan, High Commissioner, who is also Pakistan’s Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF) Governor, gave a comprehensive briefing to the students on Pakistan- Singapore bilateral relations. They were also informed about the daily operations and working of the different Wings of the High Commission. The briefing was followed by a lively discussion/ Question-Answer session. The High Commissioner was assisted by Ms. Nighat Shah, Press Counsellor, during the briefings.

The students belonging to various educational institutions of Indonesia, Malaysia, Italy and Singapore showed keen interest in Pakistan’s views/position on various domestic and international issues. They appreciated the briefings which provided a clearer understanding of the working of the Diplomatic Mission and ground realities in Pakistan.

Model ASEM is a political simulation of the ASEM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting where students enhance their diplomacy, negotiation, consensus-building and public-speaking skills through role-play, research, case-studies and practical trainings.

ASEF is a non- profit, intergovernmental organization which strengthens relations between Asia and Europe. To further promote the awareness and visibility of ASEM among the young people, ASEF encourages and supports youth and student organizations in Asia and Europe to organize small-scale Model ASEM spin-off activities on a local level and for their community.

The students who visited the Pakistan High Commission were Muhammad Rizal Saanun University as Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Indonesia, Ms. Alessandra ThiMandelli University of Milan Italy, Ms. Aw Yong Wei Li National University of Singapore Malaysia, Mr. Chayakorn Suwannachot DISTED College, Penang Malaysia, Ms. NurMaisarahBte Mohammad Wizan National University of Singapore , Mr. Matthew Low Jing Wen National University of Singapore.


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