Indus Motor wins the prestigious MAP Corporate Excellence Award 2022

At the 37th Corporate Excellence Awards 2022 ceremony, hosted by the Management Association of Pakistan (MAP) in Karachi, Indus Motor Company (IMC) won the Best Corporate Excellence Award in the Automobile Assembler Sector category. The award, presented by Federal Minister, Miftah Ismail, was received by IMC CFO Mohammad Ibadullah.

The laurel recognizes IMC’s outstanding performance while demonstrating progressive management practices in 2022. IMC has received the Best in Sectoral Corporate Excellence Award for the 7th time since 2010 and has also won the Overall Industrial Corporate Excellence Award four times.

Ali Asghar Jamali, the IMC’s Chief Executive, said: “Excellence is more than a set of year-end results; it’s a journey of prevailing attitude. It is quite an honour to receive this much coveted award from MAP once again, and for us, the biggest contributor in this crowning accomplishment has been the “Toyota Way”. This recognition signifies IMC’s will, commitment, and dedication to deliver on the high expectations of all its stakeholders consistently.”

The evaluation for the Awards comprised four phases, i.e. (a) shortlisting based on dividend payouts during the last three years, (b) detailed financial assessment, (c) review of management practices, and (d) management interviews. An impartial third-party consultant was retained by MAP to carry out the award evaluation and compile the results.

The Corporate Excellence Awards was instituted by MAP in 1982 with the sole aim of recognizing and honouring companies showing outstanding performance and demonstrating progress and enlightened management practices. –


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