Indus Hospital & Health Network celebrates iHope’s 22nd batch of volunteers.

Indus Hospital & Health Network (IHHN) celebrated the iHope Volunteer Program’s 22nd batch of volunteers on June 23, 2023. Participants included around 80 students from various prestigious schools in Karachi, including Dawood Public School, The City School, Reflection School, Foundation Public School, DHA College and School System, Haque Academy, Indus Academy, Cedar College & School, Bay View High School, Generations, Aga Khan Secondary School, World Academy, and Beacon House.

During the program, the students were divided into four groups – Rescuers, Healers, Protectors, and Helpers – and took part in various activities, including ward visits, Art Therapy, Voices Against Tobacco (VAT), CPR & first aid training, and Fire-fighting training. The students also attended several informative talks on art, empathy, career growth, social media, and the climate. The respected speakers included Shireen Mithani, Maida Yasmeen, Ahmed Shabbar, Mr. Yousuf, and Dr. Bilal Hassan.

On the last day of the volunteer program, a closing ceremony was conducted to honour the students for their community service and to encourage them to stay life-long supporters of IHHN’s Indus Yaqeen program. Each group gave a presentation showcasing their experience interacting with IHHN’s patients and the activities they engaged in.

The volunteers also gave short speeches on how the experience opened their eyes to the harsh living realities in Pakistan. Their interactions with patients and subsequent work taught them that they can make a difference for the better in someone else’s life despite their age. At the end of the ceremony, the students were presented with certificates of participation.

The closing ceremony was chief guests z Farah Bari, Deputy General Manager and Head of Sheikh Saeed Medical Campus; Dr Muhammad Amin Chinoy, Executive Director of Physical Rehabilitation Directorate, IHHN; and Ruby Salman, Head Coordinator iHope Volunteer Program.


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