Ilma University proves once again that it leads in the provision quality centred programs in imparting education through its recent spectacular webinar on Role of Higher Institutions in Producing Quality Entrepreneurs. This webinar was specially aligned to meet the global SDGs, namely; No Poverty (SDG 1), Quality Education (SDG 4) and Decent Work & Economic Growth (SDG 8). The key role model speaker Mr Nadeem Hussain, Founder & Coach at Planet N Group of Companies was invited to add the entrepreneurial element in the ensued discourse.
Quality Assurance & Liaison Department played an instrumental part in organising this revolutionary webinar. The chosen topic was true to the age which targeted the education given to produce entrepreneurs who exist in the centre of the growing fields of work all over the world. The importance the colleges/universities place in shaping critical thinking and enterprising mindsets set the ball rolling for those who want to try something different or make it on their own.
Mr Nadeem, a seasoned businessman stated, “It is important to give education that matters in a changing world and this is the foremost duty of any educational institution which is preparing the future workforce.”
Ilma University comprehended the significance of injecting quality with a difference in the education system. This primary objective was achieved through this forward-looking webinar which provided the strategies to institutions to produce young entrepreneurs who were go-getters with high energy levels equipped with the right skill set to make it in the real world. That would be an unmatched return of investment. The University will continue to converge on topics of global interest.