Mr. Alamgir Firoz, Chairman Standing Committee on Diplomatic Affairs along with Mr. Gulzar Firoz Chairman Standing Committee on Environment and members of Pakistan-Germany Business Council of FPCCI welcomed Mr. Carsten Muller, Head of Mission of the German Consulate on his visit to Federation House Karachi.
Mr. Alamgir Firoz said that Germany is Pakistan’s largest trading partner among the EU countries. He said major items of Pakistan exports to Germany are textile and textile made-ups, leather goods, carpets, surgical instruments, cutlery, rice and horticulture products, whereas machinery, pharmaceuticals, motor vehicles, chemicals and dyes, iron and steel products, figure in imports.
Mr. Carsten Muller, Head of Mission of the German Consulate said that Pakistan is the important member of EU, many German companies are working in Pakistan for many years with major investments in Pakistan that include Linde, BASF, Bayer, Merck, Hoechst, Siemens and METRO. He emphasized that our business communities should increase the investment and avail opportunity of our good relations between the two countries. At the conclusion of the meeting Mr. Alamgir Firoz presented a Book and Report on Environment, Health and Safety to Mr. Carsten Muller, Head of Mission of the German Consulate.