Federal Minister of Railways visits Hutchison Ports Pakistan

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Federal Minister of Railways, Azam Khan Swati, visited Hutchison Ports Pakistan, and was introduced the operations by the management and given a comprehensive tour of the facilities, and its capabilities as a state-of-the-art terminal. The Federal Minister was also updated on the port’s phase 2 expansion plans.

As part of the expansion plans, the Minister assured Hutchison Ports Pakistan that external infrastructure and connectivity to the terminal’s internal rail siding will be completed by 31 March 2021. It was also discussed that Pakistan Railway may provide rail connectivity in the interim period by repurposing of the coal yard sidings adjacent to the terminal facilities.

General Manager and Head of Hutchison Ports Pakistan, Captain Rashid Jamil, said in a statement, “Hutchison Ports Pakistan management is pleased to have hosted the Federal Minister on this occasion, and would like to thank the Railways Minister for his visit, as it marks a positive beginning to the new year”.

The port has been playing an important role since its first day of operations by creating optimal conditions for accelerated trade. It will further amplify Karachi’s potential and speed up its transformation into a prime South Asian hub for trade and transport activities.


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