Eco-friendly dog leashes

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With this email, we wanted to update that Ayesha Chundrigar Foundation has pioneered Pakistan’s first Dog Leashes made out of Ghost Net! Indeed, ACF is the first organization in the world to introduce eco-friendly dog leashes made out of ghost net found in the oceans.

ACF is a non-profit organization which started the first-ever animal shelter and sanctuary for street and homeless dogs and cats in Pakistan alongside working donkeys and mules. ACF started a movement for change 6 years ago when there was zero animal welfare in the country. In 2018, ACF won the WWF Green Innovation Challenge for creating Pakistan’s first handmade dog leashes out of 100% ghost net, ACF partnered with WWF in introducing this innovative project where the foundation funded the project with seed money to engage fishermen to extract wasted ghost net from the oceans that are then crafted into beautiful leashes by engaging the local community women.


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