Due to political instability, Pakistan’s image is badly affected worldwide.

Sohail Nisar, Senior Vice Chairman of the Pakistan Yarn Merchants Association (PYMA), expressing deep concern over the country’s ongoing political conflict, said that Pakistan’s image is badly affected in the world due to political instability. In particular, foreign business people are losing confidence in Pakistani business people, while trade and industrial activities in the country are also adversely affected.

Therefore, in the country’s best interest, the political leaders should forget all the differences and come together to solve the problems so that the government can be rescued from serious economic crises.

PYMA’s leader appealed to all the political parties and their leaders to think for the betterment of the country instead of fulfilling personal desires and doing things that benefit the country, as the ongoing political conflict has badly affected the confidence of the business people and industrialists.

“The business community has been forced to think whether they should continue their business in the face of these unfavourable conditions and economic crises. He further said that the survival of all of us is subject to the country’s survival; when the country develops, prosperity will come. If economic crises intensify, all the doors of return will be closed.”

Sohail Nisar, by paying tribute to the Pakistan Army, said that we are proud of our forces and will never allow any attack on the sanctity of our troops. Thanks to our sacrifices, it is our forces that sleep peacefully.

Sohail requested all the political parties and their leaders to avoid any action for the sake of power which would harm the country and the people. It is the desire of the business and industrial community that businesses and industries continue to run so that the country develops and the people prosper.

However, this is possible only when we all think for the country by showing unity and taking such steps in consultation, which will create political stability and stabilise the economy.


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