Arts Council continues its partnership with GCT to enroll 4.2m illiterate children of Sindh

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The Arts Council of Pakistan, Karachi while sensing its obligations towards the society will continue to provide support in whatever way it could to the further the mission to enroll 4.2 million out-of-school children in Sindh. The Arts Council Karachi President Ahmed Shah stated this as a delegation of non-profit Green Crescent Trust met him at his office to express gratitude to him for providing all out support for the Children Carnival and Inter-School Competition held on 14th December, 2019 to mark the Silver Jubilee of the GCT’s foundation. The GCT’s delegation was led by its Chief Executive Officer and comprised of a group of students enrolled in the trust’s schools.

The GCT runs a network of over 150 charitable schools in remote, impoverished, and rural parts of Sindh having an enrollment of 29,000 students. Several of these students took part in the Children Carnival and Inter-School Competition hosted by the Arts Council Karachi.

Speaking on the occasion, GCT CEO Zahid Saeed said that it was the first time that the students of the GCT schools belonging to underprivileged families settled in different towns of Sindh had been given the opportunity to present their skills related to different non-scholastic activities at such a prime venue of Karachi known for hosting elite cultural activities. He said that the way the students of GCT’s schools participated in the carnival and different competitions had proved beyond any doubt that they were well capable of competing with the students of any elite school network based in a big city like Karachi. He said that GCT in furtherance of its mission to support of underprivileged students of Sindh would soon host its annual fun gala at a suitable venue in Karachi to entertain a large majority of 1600 orphan students enrolled in its school network.

The Arts Council Karachi President suggested on the occasion to hold a roundtable session after inviting all the stakeholders relevant to the education sector especially those belonging to the charitable organizations like the GCT to find a consensus strategy to resolve the menacing issue of out-of-school children in Sindh. Both the CEO of GCT and Arts Council Karachi President agreed to continue cooperation with each other to further the mission of spreading education for the benefit of less-privileged communities of the province with the support of Government of Sindh and other stakeholders.


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