9th yearbook launching Ceremony of NBFI & MAP

NBFI & Modaraba Association of Pakistan is organizing Launching Ceremony of its 9th Year Book accompanied by distribution of Best Performance Awards to the best performers of the NBFI & Modaraba Sector on Monday the 24th June, 2019 at Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi. Mr. Khalid Aziz Mirza, Chairman, Policy Board, Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan will be the Chief Guest

NBFI & Modaraba Association is a representative body of all Modarabas, Leasing Companies and a few Investment Finance Services operating in Pakistan. The Year Book is being published by the Association since its inception and covers all the activities of the sector including the performance of the individual members as well as consolidated position of the entire NBFI & Modaraba Sector. The book also contains useful articles on some of the recent development in the financial sector of the country such as Anti-Money Laundering, FATF and other current issues.

Over a period of years the Year Book of the Association has established a reputation of being a reliable and useful source of information on the performance and development of overall sector. Regular publication of the book is creating awareness among the investors, research analysts and general public.


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