Book of Qasim Ali Shah launched

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In the healthy societies no, one can deny the value or reading but reading can only be affective when it changes the life of a reader positively. Said by President Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi Muhammad Ahmed Shah while addressing to the inauguration ceremony of the books of famous career consultant and motivational speaker Qasim Ali Shah. He said that Qasim Ali shah is not just a motivational speaker but he delivers the things with a great understanding and logic.

The inauguration ceremony of Qasim Ali Shah’s books held at Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi while Prof. Sahar Ansari, Anwar Ghazi, Naseem Anjum, Former senator Abdul Haseeb Khan, Mubeen Mirza and Tariq Bloach chaired the ceremony.

Prof. Sahar Ansari appreciated the work of Qasim Ali Shah and said that the presence of youth in the hall is the proof of his zeal and success of his work and the goad he dedicated his life. Qasim Ali Shah has been written five book including “Zara Num Ho”, “Bari Manzal Ka Musafar”, “Oonchi Urran”, “Apni Talash” and “Kamyabi ka Paigham”.

Secretary Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi Ejaz farooqui has said that Karachi University will also organize an event to honor Qasim Ali Shah for his great contribution in the youth.

While addressing Qasim Ali Shah thanked to the president Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi and said that he is not getting any financial benefit for the most of his work but he do it for his spiritual satisfaction. He said that reading habit is essential for the development of human race. At the end of the program President Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi presented a Bouquet to him.


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