Ten thousand people will be inducted in police

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Additional Inspector General Sindh Police Ghulam Nabi Memon said that 60 pc of street crimes were committed by drug addicts to address this issue police will establish 12 rehabilitation Centers in the city. He was addressing a gathering of industrialist at Korangi Association of Trade &Industry (KATI) on Friday. On this occasion President KATI Danish Khan, Senior Vice President Faraz-ur-Urrehan , Head of KATI’s standing Committee on Law&orderNadeem Khan, CPLC chief Malir&KorangiZubairChhaya, Senator Abdul Hafeez Khan and VP Maheen Salman also expressed their views.

President KATI Danish Khan said that infrastructure of Karachi had been collapsed and is the basic cause of disturbance in traffic flow. He said a comprehensive strategy to address this issue is much needed than ever. Danish Khan said that as compare to the population of city number of police personnel are far behind. He suggested to induct more human resource for police. He also said that merger of police station is a point of concern , people have already been facing hurdles in launching complains. Nadeem Khan said that SSP Korangi Ali Raza and his team is doing great job and had launched a crackdown against criminal elements, their efforts are recommendable. Senator Abdul Hasseb Khan said that without a central plan of the city nobody can enforce law properly in this city, it is time to bring a master plan of city. ZubairChhaya said that the decision of separating operation and investigation should be revisited.

Prior to this city police chief Ad IG Ghulam NabiMemon said that he is focusing on to make police response more steady and instantaneous. He told that 15 force has been facing shortage of resources and vehicles, working to provide required resources to the force had been initiated. He said police department had contacted telecoms to provide complainant’s location to 15 force it will make response 10-15 minutes faster. Mr. Memon said that police stations are to respond crimes and to reinstate their role in law enforcement there is a lot to be done. He said that policemen are not personal guards so we calling back our personals from such duties. He told that a 7 member board had been formed, consisting on 6 DIGS an himself, to appoint Station House Officers (SHO). Now this would be done through a system not by any individual authority. He said that 8000 people in police and 2000 in traffic police will inducted in next month.

He said that it was noted that more than 60 pc of street crimes committed by drug addicts. He said that to address this one of root cause of crime police has decided to establish rehabilitation centers in the city. “First center would established in Malir with the collaboration of CPLC and 12 more centers will be established soon in karachi.”

Ad. IG told that Model Police Station would be established in Karachi. He told that release of captured suspects picture by police affects prosecution case in the courts, however this practice has banned. He said that due to lack of Marking on roads is one of the main hurdles in traffic rules enforcement,” I have written a letter to DMCs and Cantonments to make arrangements for marking on roads, which wasn’t responded yet.” Numbers of Industrialists, DIG Traffics JavedMehar, SSP Korangi Ali Raza and other attended the meeting.

Caption Photo: President KATI Danish Khan is presenting a souvenir to Ad. IG Ghulam NabiMemon. Senator Haseeb Khan, ZubairChhaya ,Nadeen Khan,Faraz-ur-Rehman and Ikram Rajput can be seen.


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