Saleem Mandviwalla highlights Kashmir Issue at the Euroasia conference

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Deputy Chairman Senate Saleem Mandviwalla rejected attempt to stop submission of resolution against violation of human rights by India in Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir during the Euroasian Conference at Nur Sultan, Kazakhstan.

While Senator Saleem Mandviwalla was delivering his speech and raising the issue of Indian atrocities in Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir the Indian delegation got agitated and tried to interrupt him.

Senator Saleem Mandviwalla continued his speech and requested not to be interrupted and be accorded the same respect that he had given the Indian delegation and went on to convey the true facts of the violations of human rights by India in Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir.

Deputy Chairman Senate, Senator Saleem Mandviwalla then went on to present a resolution against Indian atrocities in the Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir in the Eurasian Conference at Nur Sultan, Kazakhstan.

Resolution states “We, the leaders and the representatives of the Parliaments, gathered in Nur-Sultan, at the 4th Meeting of Speakers of Eurasian Countries’ Parliaments consider oppression and violence against people as unacceptable actions that undermine human rights, freedom, and democracy, which is also against the charter of the United Nations (UN);

Senator Saleem Mandviwalla said that “We recognise the oppression and state-led violence in Jammu & Kashmir, Palestine, Myanmar; and other acts of oppression and genocide around the world, as anti-democratic actions that suppress the will and basic rights of the indigenous people;”.

The Resolution also states that “We urge the international community in general, and the Eurasian leadership in particular, to openly call upon states/governments concerned to stop committing any inhumane crimes of killing, kidnapping, rape and torture of ethnic communities, and people belonging to different racial and religious backgrounds;”

Senator Saleem Mandviwalla stated “We reaffirm our commitment to discourage the use of force, and to protect the rights of oppressed communities and regions, especially Kashmir, by supporting their democratic right to self-determination”.

While addressing the conference Senator Saleem Mandviwalla said that the violent oppression of innocent civilians in Kashmir, Palestine and unrest in the Middle East and elsewhere, are actually the result of undemocratic political objectives that leave no room for cooperation or dialogue with the stakeholders.

Senator Saleem Mandviwalla also stated that “This is the very reason that Kashmir is one of the oldest, unresolved issues on the UN agenda, and thus is a challenge for all”

Deputy Chairman Senate, acknowledged the international response in favour of the Kashmiris, especially by the Human Rights Watch, International Court of Justice (ICJ), Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Genocide Watch, and Amnesty International.

“In particular, the UN Human Rights Chief in her introductory address at the start of the Human Rights Council’s latest session, expressed deep concern over the Kashmir violence, and appealed to India to ease the current lockdowns and curfew”, He apprised.

He also acknowledged the numerous countries, especially China, USA, Turkey, Iran, UAE, Bangladesh, and many others, along with the leading media organisations, for expressing concern over the human rights violations in the Indian-occupied Kashmir by India.

“Turkey and Iran expressed “concerns” over the situation and assured “steadfast support” to Pakistan towards its resolution, Senator Saleem Mandviwalla added.

Senator Saleem Mandviwalla said that “The Foreign Minister of Iran reiterated his country’s concern over the deteriorating human rights situation in Indian occupied Kashmir and reaffirmed support for the Kashmiri people”.


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