Korangi Association of Trade & Industry (KATI) welcomed government’s decision to abolish “peak hour” electricity tariffs for industry while urged to extend the implementation at least until hardships due to Covid-19 would become normal.
Patron in Chief of KATI SM Muneer said that industrial community welcomes the decision of ECC and lauds PM Khan for the initiative. He said that on one hand industry in Pakistan was already paying highest energy prices in the region on other we were also bearing the burden of additional charges. He said that abolishment of decades long peak and off peak regime of electricity tariff for industry would prove a great relief and will be helpful to reduce the cost of production and ultimately it would enhance country’s exports. He noted that this decision mirrors the PM Khan’s vision about industrial prosperity in the country.
President KATI Saleem-uz-Zaman said that after relief in additional use of electricity tariff PM Khan’s government has taken another great step to bring industrial production in county on the track. However, he also suggested that implementation of equal tariffs for industry should be prolong, at least till the situations caused by coronavirus pandemic would back to normal. He further said that as the energy prices were the biggest hurdles in the way of industrialization and growth of exports, it is need of time to make a long lasting strategy to provide relief in this regard. He mentioned that PM Khan had announced the establishment of export development board under his supervision and we expect that he will consider the prospects of industries regarding energy tariff and supply regime.