ICAP elects office bearers for 2018-19

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The Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) elected its new office bearers for the year 2018-19 in its 305th meeting held here. The Council unanimously elected Jafar Hussain as President of the Institute, Muhammad Sharif Tabani as Vice President-South and Iftikhar Taj as Vice President-North. Jafar Husain is a fellow member of ICAP. He qualified in 1989 and is the central principal of “The Professionals’ Academy of Commerce” a fellow Registered Accounting Education Tutors (RAET) of ICAP, established in 1987 by (late) Ishfaq Ahmed, FCA.

Jafar Husain had been elected the Vice President and was Chairman of Investigation Committee of the ICAP for the term 2017-18 and has also served on various other committees including Education and Training Committee, Accounting and Auditing Standards Committee and CPD Committee-Northern Region. He has over 29 years of experience in the education sector and during this time, he has also been closely involved in various initiatives and developments undertaken by ICAP.

Muhammad Sharif Tabani is a fellow member of ICAP. He qualified in 1988 and is serving as principal of Tabani’s School of Accountancy, a fellow Registered Accounting Education Tutors (RAET) of ICAP, established in 1998 by himself. He was elected as a Council member for the terms 2013-17 and 2017-21. Tabani has served on various committees of ICAP including the Executive Committee, Education and Training Committee, Investigation Committee and CPD Committee.

He has over 35 years of experience in the education sector and during this time, he has also been closely involved in various initiatives and developments undertaken by ICAP. He has also been elected/nominated on the Board of Governors of Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants (PIPFA) and during his two years of association with PIPFA, he has actively participated in critical matters pertaining to the board of Governors, Education, Executive, Disciplinary and Examination Committee.

Iftikhar Taj is a governance practitioner with over 28 years of industry experience in financial services, fast moving consumer goods, information technology (IT), textile, media, advertising and bulk drug manufacturing sectors in various roles. He has the experience of corporate world in both local and international markets. He has trained over 200 directors of listed companies on corporate governance in private & public sectors and the journey is on.

Iftikhar Taj is an elected council member for the term 2017-21 and playing a vital role in several ICAP committees including IT committee. Currently, he is working as Director Governance & Strategy at Horwath Hussain Chaudhry & Co. Outside work, he is a keen golfer and a mentor.


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