Medical and Dental universities graduated facing serious difficulties

Medical graduated from different medical and dental universities facing serious difficulties in getting their medical and dental practitioners registration certificates due to nonfunctioning of Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC).

The Pakistan Medical and Dental Council, is a statutory regulatory authority that maintains the official register of medical and dental practitioners in Pakistan.

The council also sets the education standards for medical and dental institutions in Pakistan along with the Higher Education Commission.

The students graduated from medical universities and medical colleges in the last few years had suffered lot to get their documents and registration certificates completed.

The government has blocked the walls before the new doctors can take up their professional activities.

Similarly, young doctors from abroad who are pursuing further education are denied further higher education and employment by not receiving medical registration certificate and Gold Standing Certificate.

The youth say that Prime Minister Imran Khan should open the locks in the PMDC so that they can get the required certificate

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